In 2024 after several years of varied photography work, I have decided to focus my attention on dark portraiture and have hired several professional models to help me achieve a niche portfolio of work.
The vast majority of my photography has been conducted either in my home studio or at The Boardroom Studio in Derby. All of it has been captured using Kodak Tri-X 400 in 120 with a Hasselblad 501CM.
Photo by Ted Smith
Tri-X 400
Photo by Ted Smith
Tri-X 400
In the summer of 2024, I attended a "Southern Gothic" styled shoot that was arranged by Flow State Photo Events and Amanda Caroline Couture.
One of the models was Ana, who was amazing at creating really dramatic shots. Using some black sheer fabric, along with her dress by Monsieur Richard Hible and a red background light by Rota Light, I was able to pull off some really dramatic
shots on Tri-X 400.