
Jessica Schwarz and Tiago da Silva, also known as apricotberlin, are a photography duo based between Lisbon and Berlin.

They began their photography journey as apricotberlin in late 2015 and are fortunate to have been able to work with a number of major advertising clients, including Beats by Dre, Adidas, Nike, Adobe, and Zalando, to name a few.


"Our passion lies in lifestyle and fashion photography, and when it comes to our film of choice, Kodak Portra 400 has been in our fridge and bags ever since we started. 

There is something special about the way it captures

colors and skin tones. 

The color vibrancy, especially when hand-printed, is something that no other medium can replicate.

It allows us to express ourselves as artists.

Especially in a world where digital photography has become the norm, film gave us this sense of

excitement and anticipation back.

We've also had the pleasure of shooting the recently released Kodak Gold 200 120 film and fell in love with

the warmer tones it renders. 

It evokes this feeling of nostalgia that we associate with film, but with a much finer grain structure

compared to its 135 sibling."